Saturday, 17 April 2010

First Blog

Ok it's 03.28 according to the clock on the computer. Im currently staying at my mums house for reasons ill explain later. First, just as i would like to know who I am getting feed back from, You should know the person your giving advice to. Anyway this is me (right). My names Connor Cochrane and im a 17 year old from Northern Ireland. I enjoy spending a lot of my time on the computer as computer (apart from the odd melt down) can't give you any cheek or hassle. I'm not the most sociable person in the world but more on that later. more or less i got the idea for this blog from the hit tv show "House" were a patient of his was a huge blogger and had many internet buddies who she was able to type out her problems to. At first I thought it was kind of silly but then i got to thinking. I'm not great at having a disscussion with someone face to face. I fail even more miserably when I'm trying to talk about a problem I'm having or trying to ask for advice. The whole idea of seeing the expressions on people's faces' when they don't agree with, or more often than not, don't care what your talking about is both angering and hurtful. So I've decided to start up this blog to help eliminate that from the equation. All I want is to have a safe place that I know I could go to ask questions and get answers. Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this and hope to hear what you have to say.

Peace out

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